Saturday, February 27, 2010

Anna Bell's 95th birthday party

Bettie and Kenneth Swanner invited family and friends to celebrate Anna Bell Swanner's 95th birthday. The cake was beautiful and delicious. Over 35 people came and wished Aunt Anna Bell happy birthday.
I saw cousins that I hadn't seen in way too long.
Below is: myself, Chrysti Love, Eugene Swanner, Nancy Luper, and Kenneth Swanner. We are 1st cousins.
Myself, Aunt Anna Bell, Aunt Lucille, Ethel, and Nancy posed for a picture of "us girls".
Here are the 3 Nance sisters.
Aunt Anna Bell Swanner (95), Aunt Lucille Brooks (93), and Ethel Sanders (89)

Bettie Swanner put together a collage of photos. These included Grandma Nance, Uncle Marvin, Ethel, 5 generations, and several childhood photos.

The Swanner bunch. Bettie and Kenneth Swanner, Eugene and Mary Swanner, Tempi Briggs and her husband, Al, and daughter,Annie, Scotty and Betty Pack, Gay and Dennis Slater. In front is Pamela's daughter, Amy Henshaw, Aunt Anna Bell, and Pamela Dillon, Kenneth's daughter

1 comment:

  1. Dear Friend
    I was Anna Bells pastor for several years in DeLeon. I have kept in contact with her over the years but this last month our church newsletter was returned. Can you send me any info on her or a change of address.

    Bro Richard Zimmer
